Would Recommend

Helping Hands helped me improve my credit score over 100 points in less than a year. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking to fix their credit, or anyone who wants to learn more about credit in general. Joy was very knowledgeable and offered a great service to me.
-Aarron John Reed

How we work for you!

Analysis and review your credit file
Create a personalized, strategic plan
Receive and respond to creditor correspondence
Create and send creditor dispute letters
Receive and process updates
Review credit updates throughout and modify plan as needed
Offer debt consolidation options
Answer budget and credit repair questions
Provide ongoing credit education and tips
Offer ongoing budget and spending recommendations
Access to educational portal sites
And so much more!

Ready to take action? We’re ready to help!


One Time Audit and set up Fee, after services are rendered

$99.00 a month servicing fee

All fees are billed after work is complete

Cancel at any-time with no obligations